No matter what category of Builders Registration you are applying for, you will need extensive practical work experience. The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) place a huge emphasis on the practical experience, however, they also expect applicants to have vast knowledge and skills. That’s where having a building and construction qualification can help you.
Information from the VBA Fact Sheet ‘Building Interim Regulations 2017’ state that “a certificate IV together with relevant practical experience and skills may satisfy the equivalent qualification pathway to registration”. Therefore, the CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) remains a pathway to gaining your Builders Registration.
When applying to become a Registered Building Practitioner the VBA requires applicants to complete a Statement of Experience and provide a portfolio of supporting documents. Upon acceptance of your application, you will be required to complete practical assessments showing you skills and knowledge of the Victorian building industry. These assessments focus on much of what is covered in the Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) such as:
- Building Contracts and Legislation
- Business and Finances
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Australian Building Standards
- National Construction Codes
As indicated in the Building Interim Regulations 2017, for each category of registration a prescribed qualifications is recommended. These prescribed qualifications detail the experience required for registration within that category. For those wishing to apply to be a Domestic Builder (Unlimited) the prescribed qualification is the CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building).
Applying and preparing yourself to become a Registered Building Practitioner takes a lot of time, commitment and hard work. By undertaking your building and construction qualifications with Parker Brent you will gain much of the skills and knowledge you require. However, you will still need to have plenty of on-site practical experience. Parker Brent supports all students with their application for Builders Registration.
To find out more information on your pathway towards Builders Registration or the CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) qualification contact Parker Brent on 1300 773 755 or send us a web enquiry or email
Source: Victorian Building Authority
Useful Links: VBA Fact Sheet ‘Building Interim Regulations 2017’, VBA website