Building Regulations 2018


The new Building Regulations 2018 are set to come into effect on 2 June 2018. The new regulations will reflect the changing nature of the industry, equipment and methodology to deliver a better, more effective building industry that benefits both practitioners and consumers. The Building Regulations 2018 will replace the Building Regulations 2006 and the Building Interim Regulations 2017.


The new Regulations have been numbers from 1 to 286, whereas the previous principle Regulations (the Building Interim Regulations 2017) are numbered 101-2101.


The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has issued further information about the changes, including:


• Building regulations overview here
• Summary of changes here
• Regulation number finder here


The Building Regulations 2018 can be viewed or downloaded here. (Item 38 – Building Regulations 2018)

Further information regarding the Building Regulations can be viewed or downloaded here.


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