Construction management is an area which many aspire to reach within the aforementioned industry. Having some semblance of control over projects is highly sought after, as the benefactors reap the rewards and satisfaction of having headed and completed a construction project. The courses that are available for construction management represent an increase in technical and administrative content when compared to more specialised courses for roles that require much less leadership. But with this increase also comes queries regarding the potential prices involved if these courses are to be undertaken. Therefore, the question at hand is: how much does a construction management course cost?
Before getting into the cost of a construction management course we must first establish some context behind what is a construction management course and what it entails. This will help give an idea as to the possible reasoning behind the cost estimates of a construction management course.
A construction management course can be offered through a science route or a management route. The main purpose of a construction management course is to advance students to seek roles in upper management, for instance a construction manager.
Construction managers are responsible for the overseeing of construction projects throughout the full process of a construction. From inception and design right through to a project’s completion they are in charge of the management of that project which entails hiring workers, scheduling of the project, estimates and budgeting of the project, safety and hazard concerns and procedures and other relevant aspects.
The role of a construction manager is not the only job position sought after or possible to attain through a construction management course. There are also the positions of facilities manager, technician, estimator, site engineer,building surveyor and professional builder just to name a few.
A common course that is entered into to gain qualifications in construction management is the Diploma of Building and Construction (Building). It represents quite a step up in quality and breadth of content from the level below on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), the Certificate IV in Building and Construction. The actual cost of the course varies depending on the status of the applicant. If you are funded, you can expect to pay $200-$300 depending on the institution. However, if you are not funded these costs can potentially rise up to $8000 (with some institutions possessing even higher costs) which is contingent on how much of the course is studied.
In the case of partially completing the courses, costs will inevitably be much less for both funded and on-funded applicants.
Such costs are representative of the structure of the Diploma of Building and Construction (Building). It comprises 18 units, with 13 being core and the other 5 being elective. Topics covered range from managing project quality and risk, to effectively applying sight surveys and supervising low to medium rise construction. The course runs for 50 weeks, and has dedicated classes, learning support and additional self-research.
It aims to give students practical skills such as budgeting, quality control and supervision, and provide them with the ability to manage the varying aspects of a project. A degree in construction management ensures students have the skills to undertake on-site responsibilities such as managing the budget, expenses and labour resources of the project, and collaborating with other specialists such as architects and engineers. Additionally, effective communication with clients on project status, dealing with safety and hazard concerns, delays of the project, and the planning and scheduling of the project are expected learning outcomes.
It is possible to gain a career in construction management without actually obtaining an undergraduate in this construction course. It is also important to note that most that went this route are self-employed with years of experience and that most entry level jobs will require at least a Diploma or thereabouts in construction management for employment. Thus, it is recommended to formally study construction management as a pathway into the area.
Parker Brent is an accredited provider of building and construction courses, specialising in the Certificate IV of Building and Construction (Building) and the Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) courses, which are tailored to meet the needs of students and ensure their construction goals and objectives are met. If you are interested, enquire today: