Building and construction is an industry that is quite large in Australia, being the third biggest. It is also growing at a rapid rate. Many people are becoming aware of the possibilities that working in building and construction can offer; from the range of roles that differ in purpose providing scope and choice unlike other industries to the expansive qualities that can be utilized to advance careers. It truly is an industry that caters to anyone; it really only depends on what type of person you are and how you would like your career to ideally pan out.
Training in building and construction can be a rewarding experience. The outcomes and processes involved will inspire students to create, develop and innovate. After all, the economy is reliant on construction (not just from an infrastructure perspective but also the fact that there is a shortage of skilled labour), and there are always new projects popping up every day.
How building and construction differs from other industries is by combining studying with hands-on learning in such a succinct way that newly employed personnel are practically professionals. By learning on these two fronts at the same time, it fastracks you to employment without sacrificing any necessary components that need to be understood in the learning process.
However, with the way in which the world has had to adapt due to COVID-19, industries are quickly shifting towards online platforms. Any aspects that can be moved are being done so hastily. One might think that building and construction may struggle to adapt due to having a significant proportion based on physical activity. In actuality, this is far from the truth. There are many benefits to studying building and construction online, and we outline some of them.
More Attention
With building and construction training being online, the way in which tutors give attention will inevitably be different. Such is the gravity of the change that tutors would need to learn to adapt to the online environment which alters schedules, teaching methods etc. You may think that this makes it harder for tutors to help students in the best way that they can. However, the opposite is true.
With online learning, there is a lack of a need to be physically present, as you would be connected through video. This drastically reduces time spent, as no one is physically moving from class to class to stay within schedule. Being online (whether in the comfort of your own home or somewhere else such as a library) means that you can spend those moments attending to students who require help. Previously, students might have had to wait until the next class to get help, therefore having an online presence negates this. Meetings can be set online that wouldn’t generally force you to move to different places, and alternate ways of meeting such as by phone or chat and email can also work.
From the perspective of the student, they will have access to more help when required. Many times as a student it can be difficult to receive additional aid with problems in learning. Especially with construction, this could be an issue considering there is a lot of technical information that needs to be processed. With online learning, you can take full advantage of the presence of a tutor because there is significantly more time available to work with.
Access to more learning resources
Physical classes can be confining for a number of reasons. The spread of information is limited, there is a set time for classes that are finite, and the way in which resources are distributed is not as efficient as it could be. Hence, it only makes sense that what can be taken from online as learning material is notably more beneficial and vast when compared to being in a physical class.
The fact that just the internet is available for use is the only evidence you need. What can be found from browsing websites with all kinds of information is endless. It also promotes self-learning, where outside of class you are seeking knowledge for yourself to develop your skills and expertise at a faster rate than if you were simply attending class every week. The types of information that you can learn from are not limited either. From blogs and articles, to peer reviewed journals and statistical pages, all the way to youtube videos, you truly can broaden your horizons by exploring the content available to you.
Not only that, but you may have access to premium learning resources designed to educate building and construction students to a proficient level. Using these resources is paramount to ensuring your online educational experience in building and construction is fruitful.
Physical education of building and construction does have the potential to be restricted. You may have to manage your time more stringently, leaving you with less to do in the day.
Perhaps the most benefit you can gain from studying building and construction online is the flexibility that comes with it. Convenience is something everyone can do with, and learning online is indicative of this. With a fully dedicated online schedule, you can access classes, information and other resources from anywhere with a stable internet connection. This could be your home, the library, or anywhere else of comfort.
Previously, having a functioning internet connection may have been an issue, but coverage these days is not hard to come by, even in rural areas.
This flexibility also means you have the time for other things in your life. Whether that be spending time with friends and family, taking up hobbies or interests, or just simply living, studying building and construction creates the time and space to be able to do the things you really love to do outside of your learning environment.
What we can derive from flexibility from a learning perspective is that when you are comfortable in your own space, you create an environment that encourages you to learn and manage your time more effectively. This will only ensure that you are taking full advantage of studying building and construction in an online format.
Resources are easily accessible
Another benefit of studying building and construction online is that there is so much that you can pull from the environment to learn and develop. As mentioned earlier, it is a lot easier to get into contact with teachers and other people with advanced knowledge. Simply at the click of a button at your convenience you can enter meetings, calls or send messages and emails. You can also meet with other students whenever you like to further understand learning objectives and discuss things from class.
It goes without saying that studying building and construction online has many benefits, arguably even more when compared to the traditional sense. It is not just in what you learn that these benefits arise. It is also from how you learn them from having an online presence which opens doors for more efficient ways to communicate with others in class such as tutors or other students. It also provides a larger outlet for you to balance your life and improve your wellbeing.
Parker Brent is a provider of courses in building and construction. For more details, enquire here.